현재 진행 수 4,009

Global AI Week - AI Hackathon

Global AI Week - AI Hackathon
주최 . 주관 Upstage
대표분야 IT•소프트웨어•게임
참가대상 대학생 , 대학원생 , 일반인 , 외국인
접수기간 2024.07.13 ~ 2024.07.28
심사기간 2024.07.28
대회지역 온라인
시상내역 기타 :총 상금 $14,000
홈페이지 주최사 공고 바로가기
접수방법 온라인접수
접수하기 온라인 접수하기
참가비용 무료 접수
콘코 SNS 공유 인스타그램  페이스북  트위터  블로그  카페  구글소식  밴드  유튜브  핀터레스트  티스토리 
※ 대회·공모전의 세부요강은 주최사의 기획에 의해 내용이 변경 될 수 있으니, 주최사의 공고를 반드시 확인해 보시기 바랍니다.

Global AI Week - AI Hackathon

Global AI Week
AI Hackathon

Create world-changing Ideas, Connect with top global 
AI experts,
and Showcase your innovations on Jeju Island!

Join the Global AI Week - AI Hackathon

The Global AI Week is focused on developing Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) for work-AI solutions and connecting with fast-growing AI experts.

The Global AI Week-AI Hackathon is an event open to those interested in AI/LLM, aiming to discover new value and create innovative AI solutions that can transform the business ecosystem. Also, this hackathon will be held with a focus on the APAC region. All participants from the Asia-Pacific region are welcome!

The top 15 teams will be invited to the Global AI Week-final Hackathon on Jeju Island, with support for trip expenses covered.

'AGI for Work' : Utilize AI tech to address business challenges, enhance efficiency and productivity.

The AI Hackathon theme is 'AGI for Work', which uses AI technology to solve critical business problems, increasing efficiency and productivity. The event also includes networking with Asia-Pacific tech leaders and offers the opportunity to propose AI solutions that can 'Making AI beneficial'.

Let's actively harness our creativity and innovation to create AGI for Work that will attract global attention! Enjoy this exciting event and catch the opportunity to showcase your brilliant solutions in Jeju Island where the finals will take place!

Apply now,
Develop AI solutions that revolutionize work!

Themes & Track

Theme : ‘AGI for Work': Utilize AI tech to address business challenges, enhance efficiency and productivity.
Track : Finance, Healthcare & Wellness tech, Legal, Travel and tourism, Innovation(etc topic)

Prize & Reward

-The total prize pool for the Final Hackathon is USD $14,000.
-The top 15 scoring teams will be selected to represent APAC in the Final Hackathon event on Jeju Island, South Korea. Support for airfare and AI/Biz expert mentoring will be provided.
-Become a member of the foremost AI community and connect with top-tier professionals.

Hackathon Participation Guidelines

-Details of the Hackathon will be sent to participants through email and Discord. Please ensure to check them.
-For this Hackathon, participants must utilize the Upstage API and will be provided with $200 credits.
-Submissions to the Hackathon must be the participant’s own work, and at the time of the final submission, participants must provide a project presentation, a demo video, and a link to the code. (Detailed information will be provided to participants at a later date.)
-Team composition can range from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 4 members.
-Participants in the Hackathon must agree to the Upstage operational regulations.

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